Technical Advisory

The path to high value project implementation can be challenging. Let us help you navigate complexity to achieve economic success with our technical advisory services.

Decision Analysis and Project Risk Management

Our decision analysis experts are competent in a full suite of techniques, workshop design and facilitation to support decision making throughout early phase development projects. They are highly experienced in working with major infrastructure projects and the complex techno-economic decisions and risk-based play-offs incurred by these types of development.

For more information see out Strategic Consultancy services.


Independent Project Reviews

Oxford Legal & Commercial perform independent techno-economic project reviews at any stage of the project life cycle. We can undertake reviews from the perspective of verification, or to identify value enhancement and technical improvement opportunities. We can also address specific focus areas of technical or commercial challenge, which may be preventing a project from progressing, and provide creative, structured options and solutions. We bring together a variety of different tools and skills, including full project documentation reviews, value and cost review workshops, technical expertise and cost verification.

Cost Assurance and Due Diligence

Where project cost and economics are concerned, accuracy is key, with under-predicted costs potentially forming a greater barrier to success than conservative estimates. From niche developments to mega-projects, we deliver advice and support for global field acquisitions and divestments, licence applications and equity fundraising, plus third party verification at stage-gate decision points for both developers and non-operating partners. We can also liaise with subsurface specialists, to conduct integrated subsurface-surface facilities project verifications.

Technology Reviews and Screening

We prepare technology summaries, screening and reviews to support both early phase development projects and strategic technology acquisition and investment assessments. Our experts bring a breath of knowledge across a wide range of process technologies related to hydrocarbon development, carbon capture and decarbonization.

Value Engineering and Improvement Processes

With tight economics, cost efficiency is a high priority, and over-engineering can be a major hurdle to project progress. We are skilled in structuring and facilitating value engineering and cost reduction workshops and assessments. We bring together multiple stakeholders to fully critique designs and development plans, and identify high-impact improvement opportunities. Our experts are practised in the deployment of structured functional systems analysis (FAST) techniques for holistic value enhancement or targeted CAPEX and OPEX reduction.

Technical Workshop Design and Facilitation

Our experts have a broad body of experience in designing, preparing and facilitating technical workshops, which form a fundamental part of operational asset maintenance and major infrastructure developments, including:

  • Design reviews
  • Constructability and construction planning
  • Cost and schedule reviews
  • Project and technical risk identification and management
  • Causal learning and Root Cause Analysis

Project Management Services

We believe each project is unique and therefore deserves a dedicated project management approach. We carefully match our personnel expertise to project specific profiles, to ensure that optimum skill sets are in place to support your project right from the start.

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Business Process Development and Training

We review, advise and develop internal processes, procedures and guidelines for stage-gate project execution, technical design and project management, to ensure that best practice is implemented in your organization on a day-to-day basis. Our consultants have previously supported the re-design and upgrade of stage-gate and technical processes for a mid-sized E&P company.

The energy environment is dynamic – why not upskill your staff and strengthen your in-house knowledge development? We develop engaging, interactive training sessions, which support practical learning and long-term knowledge development. We offer both in-person and remote specialized technical training programs, which are tailored to your specific needs and audiences.